January 1914
Thursday, January 1
{ROME} Cold and cloudy, but only slight showers. Report of 7“ of snow in Florence. Stayed in and nursed cold. Did mending and wrote to Maude Owen and _______. 4pm all went to Home Tea Room and had tea, coffee and mince pies.
Friday, January 2
Clear and cold. 9:30 started sightseeing in carriages. _____, Constantine ______, Palatine, Ballad of Carnasine (____), mosaics and carvings. _________ churches with footprints. Catacombs with tombs, bones, sarcophagus, frescos and carvings. Appian Way and walls and carved ____ 2pm. ____________Tiber, saw bridge and temples. Church and crypt of St Cecelia. Janiu lion.
Saturday, January 3
Cold but pleasant. Went shopping and bought caps for children, doll for Miriam, paperweights. Small tie and spoons. 5pm B_________ Gallery. __________. Petra Vatican to see Michelangelo. Santa Maria Maggiore church to see Borghese chapel. _____, Marbles onyx, columns from Palatine Hill. Basilica from Forum. Gold on ceiling. Tonight- from America stopped at Cooks for mail. Card from Elma.
Sunday, January 4
Pleasant. Went to St Peters to 9:30 Mass. Good choir and fine vestments. Procession and Elevation of the Host. Capitoline gallery statuary, Boy and Thorn, Dying Paul, etc. Walked down steps and looked over into Forum. Center of the World Stone. Mamertine prison, where Peter and Paul were imprisoned.
Monday, January 5
Pleasant. Spent morning with May in the Sistine Chapel and the statuary rooms. After lunch, packed trunk. Went down via Sestina and bought spoon and fork, cards and Raphael book. Met May and had tea at Home Tea Room. Packed handbag.
Tuesday, January 6
Left Rome 9am for Florence. Oaks on hillside. Tiber River. Hilly country. Old strongholds and towns on Mts. Old walls and aqueducts. Lime stained stone houses, olive orchards, vineyards and terraced fields. Crossed Tiber 10:45am. Stone walled roads, stone bridges, snow capped Apennines. Many tunnels, ditches and streams frozen, snow on ground. Trees cut back and new shoots. Florence 2pm. Villa Trollo Room 57. Home of celebrities. Rained pm.
Wednesday, January 7
Went to Uffizi Gallery am. Bought post cards of pictures. Went to Pitti Palace. Bridge across Arne with shops on both sides. Madonna of the Chair and the goldfish, of the griffins. Murillo Madonnas, Ruben’s Bacchus. Looked for silk sweaters. Tea at a tearoom.
Thursday, January 8
Clear and cold. Went to the Cathedral am. Gothic in white and black marble. Immense building. Bought leather goods, calendars, etc. and lace collars for Em, Lizzie and May. After lunch Will May and Don went to Fiesole. Wrote to _HS. Went out and bought post cards and wandered about looking for inlaid marble. Did not find any.
Friday, January 9
Cold. Shopping am. Bought lace for Sarah and inlaid marble picture to Henry, jabots, cards and bronze Boy with Thorn. Pm went to Academy and saw Michelangelo’s Moses, to foundling hospital to see Robbins Bambini and to Museum to see Robbins and Donatello’s “Singing Children”. Shopping along river. Tea at tearoom.
Saturday, January 10
Sent parcel of postcards to Nellie, card to Mrs. Haley. Letter and jabot to Bertha L, cards and butterfly to Clara B. Left Florence 10:50am. Cold trip, snow on ground most of way. Mr. and Mrs. Qullard in next compartment. Venice 5:50pm. Cold ride in gondola to Royal Dameli, Room 66. Very good dinner.
Sunday, January 11
Cold, snow. All went to St Marks Square. Fed the pigeons in the square. To the Doge’s Palace. _______, golden stairway, Red columns, paintings stairway, etc. Largest _______ in world by ______. Wrote MHP, , Mable A. Went for walk and had ______.
Monday, January 12
Cold and Grand Canal choppy. All went to Glass and Mosaic works (Salviati and Co) Lovely marble furniture store. Making Stanford mosaics. Bought Rt chair and table of inlaid wood. Wills bought set of six pieces. PM, went to lace and leather works, bought collar and cuff set for self and leather frame. Letter from May, answered it.
Tuesday, January 13
Sunny part of the day, but cold wind. Went to Burano in small steamer and saw glass making. Made dog for____, and vases for May and all. Bought little kitchen dish and curtain beads, pm. Climbed Campanelle for _____, Saw treasure room at St. Marks. Jewels, bones and piece of true cross and pillar of flagellation. Baptistry once chapel of the Doges. Paid for lace and bought more.
Wednesday, January 14
Snowing all morning. 8 degrees below zero. Stayed in and did mending. Wrote to Mrs. Diety and Henry. Went out after lunch. Snow everywhere. Went to lace and jewelry stores. Bought Milanese lace jabot and 2 spoons. Packed trunk at night.
Thursday, January 15
Finished packing, Wrote cars and Mrs. ______, Miss Mills, Ella Snow and Miss Haven. Left hotel in gondola, 1 ferry for station. Left Venice 2pm for Milan. Everything covered with snow all the way. Milan 7pm. Hotel du Nard, rooms 8 and 9.
Friday, January 16
Foggy am, sunshine pm. Went to Cathedral and to Amtroliana Gallery. Da Vinci’s picture of Beatrice, D’Este, Other paintings and old manuscripts. (Galileo’s letters, etc. PM went to Refectorio de Santa Maria Della Grazie to see DaVinci’s Last Supper, and the Cathedral __. Had tea with May and looked for silk underwear.
Saturday, January 17
Snowed a little but warmer. Packed trunks and sent big one to Porte Parlo. Went to Cooks and drew $50. Bought jabots and leather card case, calendars and Wagoner ______. Sent gloves to MHP, LHB, and Elma. Letter and cards to Nellie.
Sunday, January 18
Cold. Left Milan 10am, 20 min late. Snow everywhere. In wrong car. Changed to one for Lucerne. Lake Como 11am. Swiss customs officer. Crossed bride over Lake Lugano 12 o’clock. Lugano on steep slope to lake, many tunnels. Terraced mountains, vineyards. Icicles on mountainside, frozen water falls. Stone slab fences, snow covered evergreens, spiral tunnels, St. Gotthard 3:30pm. People skating, children coasting. _______. Blanais Hotel, room 13.
Monday, January 19
Cold and foggy. Went to Cooks for mails. Letter from Nellie. Bought underwear, leggings, sweater, handkerchiefs, s______, ______, etc.! Went to see the ________. Glacier gardens closed. Bought ___-and sled to be coasted on trail. Wrote to Mille, Lottie H. and Mr. Diety.
Tuesday, January 20
Cold, Cloudy. Had hair washed and waved for 6 fr. Packed suitcase. Left Lucerne by steamer 2pm. Stopped at 2 landings and got off at ___ Stansted. Electric train. Pushed up steepest parts. In a long narrow valley between high steep mountains. Small farms, hamlets and ___ straw _____. Then a canon, then deep down on one side. Icicles on __ and snow on trees. Snow everywhere. Engelberg, Swiss. 5pm. Franu Hotel, room 357.
Wednesday, January 21
Did some mending in am. Pm. Bought ______, _______ and went out to see Don try to skate. Went with May to shops. Bought handkerchief, a bell, 2 post cards, wrote to Sarah. Saw Elane for about an hour.
Thursday, January 22
Sunlight on mountains for a few minutes before sunrise and sunshine 2 hours pm. Mountains beautiful. Don not feeling sell. Took him out and bought ball puzzle. Bought dress for Sallie and handkerchiefs. Cashed $50 check at hotel. Went up funicular to tobogganer’s slide start. Don sick, came back to hotel. Wrote to Mary Moores.
Friday, January 23
Sun shone part of day. Fine affects of sunlight and of mist on mountains. Woke to ELB and sent handkerchiefs. After lunch went out with Don. Bought toys for him and 3 more handkerchiefs. After tea walked up to coasting grounds, past the monastery and cemetery. Fine view of mountains all around the valley.
Saturday, January 24
Sun rose over the mountains, 11 am. Will and Don went coasting. Went with May to watch them and left. May P sliding with Don. Bought spoon, post cards, etc. Stayed in pm. Wrote letters to Mrs. Wattson, Miss Miner and Ella O. Cards to Lyson, Bapsta, Mills, Miller and Dyer.
Sunday, January 25
Packed belongings. Wrote to Fannie Lawrence and sent handkerchief. Left Engelberg 2pm. Will stayed for later train to see ski jumping. Mountain and trees beautiful with ice and snow and fog before we reached Stanstad-Lucerne about 5pm. Rooms 42 and 43. Dined at a restaurant and a tearoom after trying several places. Will came 8pm.
Monday, January 26
Sun came out and we saw mountains, Rigi and Patatus, snow covered. Bought construction set for Don. Went for sweaters and found them half wool. Had silk ones made. Went to Cooks and found 2 letters each, May, HP Jessie, 1 from Sarah and from Nellie. After lunch went to Leon to meet family, missed them. Fell on sidewalk, not hurt. Tea at tearoom. Wrote to Jessie.
Tuesday, January 27
Clear am and raining 4pm. Did some mending, and then went out with May to look at embroidery. Bought handkerchiefs. After lunch went out again. May bought embroidered lawn dress. Walked to other side of river, no slope. Bought some cards in arcade. Rained on way back. Tea at tearoom. Sent letters to WHP, Nelle and Jack and gloves to Nelle. Mountains lovely in morning.
Wednesday, January 28
Weather fine. Packed trunk. Tea. Walked down street with May and met ___ and May with letter from Em, ___ and card from Miss Allen. Left Lucerne 2pm for Berne. Snow on fields and mountains with green patches in sheltered corners, 2 inches. Frozen waterfalls and ice columns. Berne 5pm. Bernerhof Hotel, Room 55. Went to see clock. Lost Don!!!
Thursday, January 29
Saw mountains at _____ afterward ___. Letters to __________________. _____________________. _______ and children coasting in snow covered rinks. _____________. ______ sweet glow in mountains, 5:15pm. __________.
Friday, January 30
Cool, foggy all day. Stayed in all morning, did some mending and wrote to Em, Lizzie. Sent them lace jabote. After lunch went through watch factory, (My watch did not even stop. _________. Claims to make finest watches in the world. _______________________. Tea at tea room and looked at fur coats. Sent package of postcards to Wills.
Saturday, January 31
Sent postals to LHB. Mending all morning. May and ____ out looking for hat and coat. Don _______. After lunch all went shopping. May bought coat. Tea at Wohlan Tea Room.
Sunday, February 1
Foggy all day. Wrote to May, HP and Eliz. Dyer. PM went to the Regina Cinema and saw “ The queen of the Cinemagraph”. Some good music and fair singers, play NG.
Monday, February 2
Foggy all day. Wrote to Sarah and sent lace jabots. Sent gloves to Eliz Dyer. Sent gray dress and had new silk waist made. Went out pm and looked at things and priced them. Tea at the Wohler. Took Don to dentist to have tooth filled. Changed to room with bath. Will went to Chamonix.
Tuesday, February 3
Fog on lake. Took 10:10 electric with May, Don for Salior. Trees and vines covered with frozen fog, looked like frozen orchard in bloom. Frosty edges on grape leaves. Changed for funicular. Into sunshine at 12 o’clock. Salior at 12:30. Fine view of mountains, Blanc and other Alps. Little snow. Lunch at small hotel. Back to Geneva 4:30pm. May got her coat.
Wednesday, February 4
Don bought gray suit from dressmaker, bad fit. Too much goods. Walk with Don. Bought doll for Sallie(?) and sausage!! ___at pm. May bought amethyst pin for Mrs. Bird. Wrote to Clara B on donkey card.
Thursday, February 5
May and Don started for Chamonix 9:20am. Fixed gray waist so it could be worn. ___ bought hat from milliners, took it back and had it fixed. Bought amethyst pin, handkerchiefs and post cards. Tea at the Wohler. No music. Wrote to Rose B. and cards to Mrs. Allen and Mrs. Holley.
Friday, February 6
Foggy. Wrote letters most of day, to Ed, Lizzie, Aunt L, Dr. Amy, FHG and Mrs. Fassett. Went across river. Looking for St Gall, embroidery shop. Found ______________for Don. Bought 6 -_____ and sent 4 away in letters. PM, walked up street by P.O. Had tea and bought spoon and cigar music box. Sun out a few minutes.
Saturday, February 7
Sun visible for half hour. Wrote letters and began _____. After lunch wrote to MHP. Went for ___watch. Will, May, Don came at 3:30. All to go for tea near P.L. Bought playing cards, (the _____ones) and some handkerchiefs. Did some _____packing in evening.
Sunday, February 8
Finished packing. 4pm had tea across street from P.O. Left Geneva 8pm on sleeping car. Two compartments with dressing room between. Uncomfortable beds. Crossed into France 9pm. At . Hand baggage examined by customs officers.
Monday, February 9
Rained am, cloudy pm. Had coffee and rolls on the train. Set watch back an hour. Hilly country. First sight of Mediterranean about 8:30 am. Marseilles 4:30am. Country is like Delmonte or Santa Barbara. Nice 9:30. Grand Hotel de France, rooms 2 and 3. Walked out before lunch. Windows attractive. Car ride to Roman amphitheater. Tea in big tearoom around the corner with May. Window-shopping.
Tuesday, February 10
Pleasant. 10:30am started for Mentone in auto by ______. Fine road, stone walled, winding up mountains, villages. Terraces, high cliffs, trees, etc. Lunch at Mentone on balcony overlooking the sea. Could see coast and mountains of Italy. Monte Carlo and Casino. Red tape ad letter of credit. Tables all filled. All quiet. Roulette and 20-30. Museums. Back by coast road.
Wednesday, February 11
Cloudy. 10am stared for flower farms in auto. Went along the shore and then turned in the mountains (Maritime Alps). Fine roads running up grade through villages and by old cities with towers on mountaintops. Terraced mountains. Olives, oranges and lemon groves. Violet, Rose and other gardens. Lunch at Grasse. Visited perfume factory not running. Bought perfumes _______. ______ another road, through Camus. Took Don to tea. W and M to Tango Tea.
Thursday, February 12
Rained hard am. Drizzly all day. Did mending, wrote to Mrs. Crane. PM went out and bought books for Don, post cards, a handkerchief and lace butterfly. Had tea in room.
Friday, February 13
Warm and sunny. Began packing then decided to stay for opening of the carnival. Walked down English Promenade. Had tea at tearoom. In evening, big processions, 3 floats: winged horse, horn of plenty, big head with goat mask. Masked men with animal heads on. Got in crush after procession.
Saturday, February 14
Warm and sunny. Finished packing. Cashed $50 at Cooks and walked up some new streets and bought post cards, cakes and candy. Left Nice at 2pm. Had compartment to ourselves all the way. Near Sea at first ad then inland. Cultivated fields, grapes and olives. Marseilles 7:30pm. Regina Hotel, rooms 151 and 155.
Sunday, February 15
Sunny day. Drive about town, crossed on Overhead trolley, ferry and Cornish road. Fine view of Sea and islands. Parks and public buildings. Took 11:30 train. Arles 1:30pm. Lost umbrella. Turum Hotel, Rooms 14 and 15. Drive to museum, old Roman ruins (cemetery, theater, arena, Constantine’s palace, etc. Auto parties at hotel. Forum! Postcards.
Monday, February 16
Pleasant. View from window. 9:30 started in auto for Nimes. Fine roads. Level country. Vineyards, olive groves. Nimes 10:30. Arena (partly restored), Temple of , now used for museum. Public garden and Temple of Diana and baths. Lunch here. Pont du Sac, old Roman bridge and aqueduct, 3 tiers. Avignon on the Rhone. Old Papal Palace, since used as barracks. Frescos, whitewashed mint of the popes. Tarascon on the Rhone. Chateau Beaucaire. Underground passages to the river.
Tuesday, February 17
Cloudy, Packed suitcases and went for walk. Visited old cloisters. Carved stone pillars around the court of 11th, 12th, 14th and 15th centuries. Bought bug stickpins, Emblem of Province. Left Arles about 1pm for Lyons. Along River Rhone most of way. Hills near as we went North, land snow-capped Alps in the distance. Lyons 6:30pm. Hotel Terminal, rooms 25,26.
Wednesday, February 18
Cloudy. Ride about city. Monuments, fountains and cathedral. Funicular to church on hill, Basilica of Notre dame. De Fourviere, cold and windy. Left Lyon 1:30pm. Hilly, then level. Vineyards and grain. Thunder, lightning and rain. Dinner on train . Paris 10pm. Taxi to Hotel Cecelia, Room 1.
Thursday, February 19
Drizzly, rain all day. Will went to Cooks and brought letters from Sarah, Elma, LHB, May Josephine, Browns FHG, Millie and BCL, Lottie H. and Mabel Miller. Went to Louvre with May, to look for rooms. Walked about town and home in Taxi.
Friday, February 20
Clear, calm. Rained in evening. Went with May to look at rooms at the Louvre. Prices reasonable, but too far down town for Don. Miss McBook __ came pm. Pleasant call. Had tea. Trunks came from Milan and Geneva. Wrote to Sarah.
Saturday, February 21
Pleasant am, showers pm. Went out to toy shop. Bought Paris guide book and had shampoo. After lunch went to Liberty’s with May. Looked at hats and gowns, but found nothing. Had tea at a tearoom.
Sunday, February 22
Rainy all day. Wrote cards to LHB, MHP, BCL, FHG, Lottie Hill, Millie A, Elma, Josephine and Maude O. Stayed in all day. Ladies especially dressed for dinner. Most of them guys. Dansante, after dinner until midnight! { Dansante means small dance or tea dance.}
Monday, February 23
Went to Madame Roche and ordered black satin for lace dress. PM went to see about school for Don. Catholic and too far away. Had massage at daMona’s. Tea at a small bakery near by. All quiet in the evening.
Tuesday, February 24
Ordered black silk coat at Liberty’s. Shrove Tuesday. Will, May and Don went out to see the celebration. Stayed in and wrote MW, FHG, Nelle, FOB, Annie M., Mary M. LHB, and Jessie.
Wednesday, February 25
Pleasant, Sunshine part of day. Ordered taupe silk gown at Liberty’s. Massage at daMora’s. PM, went with May looking for school for Don. Had dress fitted at Mme. Roche’s and dress and coat at Liberty’s.
Thursday, February 26
Pleasant. Wrote to L ____. Will went to bank, May to daMora. Don and I to the Louvre. Lunch, the Filice’s party came in. Don and Ruth in my room. PM Went to park with children and Miss Filice. Children bought hoops to play with. All had tea.
Friday, February 27
Pleasant. Bought handkerchiefs at Galleria Lafayette, and May bought pink chiffon dress. Had fittings at Liberty’s. PM Will and May went across the river sightseeing. Went down town with Don. Look blue dress (Baron’s) to Rochi. Tea at rooms near the Madeline. Bought jumping dog.
Saturday, February 28
Pleasant. Had massage at daMora’s and fitting at Liberty’s. All went to see tapestry workers across river. Two Persian workers there. Fitting at Madam R’s. Dress, hat and coat came from Liberty’s. Will and May went to hear Parsifal.
Sunday, March 1
Pleasant. In hotel all day. Wrote to FHG, MHP, and the Browns. Will and May went sightseeing. Dancing in the evening.
Monday, March 2
Pleasant but cold. Had message at daMora”s and went with May to Galleria Lafayette to return soiled dress.
Tuesday, March 3
Sunny am, showers pm. Fitting at Madam R’s. PM went to Luxemburg’s gallery. Modern statuary and paintings. Rosa Bonham’s “Oxen Plowing”. Children playing in park.
Wednesday, March 4
Drizzly all day. Will and May left for Germany 9am. Went out with Don and teacher. Don bought target game. Wrote to Sarah and Miss MaCraken. Went out with Don for tea. Chase after Wende.
Thursday, March 5
Massage at deMona’s PM took Ruth and Don to Bon March, crowds there. Cab to Madeline and tea at place near by. Good sandwiches. Wrote to Mrs. Bunting and May at Munich.
Friday, March 6
Rainy. Don and teacher went boat riding on lake in park. Bought gloves and guimpes at Bon Marche. Wrote to May. PM went down street with Don to buy collar button and crochet hook.
Saturday, March 7
Rainy am. Stayed in and wrote to May at Nuremberg. Helped Don crochet. After lunch, went to DeMora’s. Don’s freckles. Don bought aeroplane at Galleria Lafayette.
Sunday, March 8
Disagreeable day. Letter from May from Strassburg. Answered Don and wrote to May and to Nellie. Began “The Ancient Law” by Ellen Glasgot.
Monday, March 9
Pleasant. Don went out with Mille. Went to deMora’s. Wrote to May and Annie Meyer. Took Don, with Ruth and nurse to Round Point of Champ d Elysee, to fly aeroplane. Had tea.
Tuesday, March 10
Pleasant. In all morning. Letter from MHP. Wrote to May, MHF, Clara May. PM Met Miss McCracken at Luxemburg Museum. From there went to Musee Gorvan (waxworks, catacombs, mirages) Tea at Ceylon Pavilion tearooms.
Wednesday, March 11
Wrote to May and Miss Owen. Lewis and his mother started for US. Don homesick. Letter from May. Sunshine am, hard shower with rain, at noon and clear PM. Took Don to Galleria Lafayette and he bought tumble Jack game and tea at Mon. ______. Don had early dinner. Wrote to Jessie and Susie Brown.
Rainy all day. Had massage at deMora’s. Miss McCracken came after lunch. Taxi to Jarden des Plantes to bug, bird, etc. Museum.
Showery. Went to the Louvre. PM to see marine exhibit, not open. Tea at room near the Madeline.
Showery. DeMora”s. Wrote to LHB and cards to Sarah, Mrs. Allen, Annie and Mrs. Brier. Post cards and pictures to Bertha. Took Don out between showers. Don crocheting and knitting.
Pleasant. In all day. Wrote to May, Inez, Mary Moores and Drs. Diety. Wore new gown (black satin and lace with red roses) to dinner.
Wind and Rain. Sent postcards to Nelle and cashed my last Cooks check. Wrote to Ella Snow. Hotel manager asked us to change rooms!! Mr. and Mrs. And Miss Curry went away.
Pleasant. Had massage. Looked at rooms at the Calais. Went with Miss McC to the Palace of Justice, St. Chappelle (all windows) and Notre Dame (rose window). Went part way up towers. Don and Miss M to the top. Tea near Bon Marche. Book.
Rain am, sun pm, rain later. The Misses Currie left for Nice. Wrote to Em, Mrs. Lyson and Mrs. Plummer. Ordered green suit at Martins. Tea on rue du 4 September. Will and May got back 5:30 pm, room 6.
Rainy. Had fitting at Martins. May ordered dark red suit. Bought white lace and embroidered dress for Sallie. Will and Don went to see Mieureme Carnival procession. Rain spoiled it. Went in to see Mrs. Filice’s. Dr. C made tea for us.
Rainy. May ordered dinner dress at Mme. Roches. Had green coat jetted at Maskin’s. Bought silk stockings for ELB and satin gimps for self. May had fitting at Roche’s. Tea at Sept. 4.
Showery. deMora’s. Fitting at Martin’. Shampoo at No.3 rue Caumartin (wrong place) Man put comb in HIS hair, poked hairpins in scalp and rested iron on scalp. Tea at Ceylon pavilion. Sent cards to Mrs. and _____.
Rainy. In all day. Wrote to Jessie and did some packing. Read some “A Hoosier Chronicle” by Meredith Nickolson. “Air dance” at night.
23 Sunny am. In all morning. Wrote to ____. PM, went I auto to Versailles. Rainy most of time. Went through chateau and Triananon. Stopped at aviation grounds. No flying, too wet and windy.
Rainy am. Pleasant pm. DeMora’s and fitting at Martin’s. Miss McCracken here to lunch. Went with her to the Louvre. Saw “The Gleaners” and others of Millets and ________, Rousseau, Dupre, Le Brun, etc. Went to Independent exhibit. ______. Impressionist and all sorts, good, bad and indifferent. Tea at Chinese Umbrella.
Showery. Martin’s for May’s fitting. Got checks for the ____ from Cook’s that Henry sent. Looked at jewelry. Went with May, along near de la Prix. Pm looked at hats, nothing we liked. Bought gloves and stockings at Bon Marche. Tea at the Chinese Umbrella.
Rainy. Went to deMora’s. Met Miss McCracken and went to the Muses Cluny for an hour. Went to the Pantheon and Church of St. Genevieve, to the Ben Marche and bought underwear. Tea at the Chinese Umbrella. Packed some in evening.
Packed trunks. Downtown, May bought handbag for Mrs. Bird. Looked at Val. Lace! Too high and coarse. Sent Easter cards to Ruby, Eliz, Jean, Miriam, Mary M___, Sallie, Aunt L. Nellie, Henry, Yates. Miss McCracken=Tea in room with May.
Pleasant. Packed hand baggage. Went in to see Mrs. Filice. Left Paris 2:30 pm. Saw Russian church as we went out. Green fields and trees budding. Rolling country and hills. Stone and brick buildings and tiled roofs. Thatched summerhouses and Dutch windmills, canals and boats drawn by horse. Brussels 5pm. Wilcher Hotel, room 116.
Sunny all day. Went out alone to Palace of Justice and church across the street. Stopped at park up the street and went to picture gallery farther on. Bought dates and tulips. Pm went in auto to Waterloo. Folks went to top of mound to the lion. Crowds of people in park, monuments. Wrote to Ken and Rose B.
Pleasant. Went with May to Cathedral and to lace shop. Bought scarf and handkerchiefs. Left Brussels 2pm. Antwerp 3pm. Grand Hotel, room 8. Cathedral, Ruben’s “Elevation of the Cross”, “Decent from the Cross”, diVinci’s “Christ head”, etc. Flemish oak pulpit. Drive to the docks and about town. Old Spanish castle. Rubens statue in square. Mirrors in Windows.
Pleasant. Bout lace fichu, collar ____. Val lacy jabots and ____. Left Antwerp 1:30pm Green fields, thatched farms, windmills, cows, trees in blossom, wild flowers. Windmill following train. Boats sailing near land. Canals, dikes, ________. Holland 2pm (Belgium time). Poplar trees and trees pruned back. Rotterdam 3:40. Washouts on lines, on back ____. Cattle on streets being led to train. The Hague 4:30. Hotel ______, room 149.
Pleasant. Left hotel in auto, 9:15 for Amsterdam. Stone paved road through the woods. Thatched houses and barns in one. Black cattle with white belts. Milk Saloons. Carts for vegetables or mdse. Some like trunks. Acres of tulips, daffodils and hyacinths. Dikes and canals, men pulling boats. Lunch at Hotel de Europe, Amsterdam. Went along top of dikes to Volanlam forest. 3-year degree. Natives costumed, Roses, Fishing villages. Boats. Back to hotel 6pm.
Cloudy. Saw Queen Emmy, Duchess of Albany starting for a drive. Rode about town. _____ Peace Palace, Queen’s palace. Monuments, churches, etc. Bought spoons, thimble and candle _____. The Hague 2:30pm. Vlissingere 5am. Dinner at station restaurant. On board steamer “Orange Nassau” 9pm. From ____.
Drizzly, Went down to breakfast. Note from Miss Owen. In all day. Wrote to Sarah. Miss Owen called. Will and May went to the ___ Museum. Tea in room.
Windy. Walked down Russell St. Bought bark for Henry and wrote card for him. Went to Museum and Alexandrian Bible and old manuscripts. Elgin marbles, Rosetta Stone, Magna Charta. Lunch at museum. Went to the National Gallery. Raphael’s “Holy Family” and St. _____,______, St. John and the Lamb. Rembrandt’s portraits. Tea at cottage tearooms.
Raining. All went to Smithfield market, Charter House (Now an old people’s home) and Merchant Taylor School. St. Pachel’s ___ and church. The dialect in London, ___ choir ___, Pater Noster new testament and St. Paul . PM went to museum with May. ________________. Went to St. Paul’s, ____, Nelson, Turners, _______, and other monuments. Went to National Gallery. Guards there to protect pictures from suffragettes.
Pleasant. Clear and two showers. We went to Cooks, Letters from FHP, Liola Browne, papers from MHF. Miss Owens came 12:30 Lunch at Vienne Café. 1pm started for Hampton Court by auto. Rode by Buckingham palace of Queen Victoria memorial monument. Rooms at Hampton Court closed on account of Suffragettes. Old chimneys, beautiful lawn and shrubs. _______ etc. Winsor, Royal family there. Terraces _______. Albert Memorial Chapel. _____, etched marble, St. George Chapel, Knights of the Garter.
Rainy. Did some mending and repacking am. After lunch all went to Stefford House Museum. _____ old palace, ceiling ___ and gold. Old jewelry, silver armor, etc. Old time costumes and gowns of Victoria, Alexandra and Mary, coronation robes of Edward VII, Alexandra and George and Mary.
Windy, no rain. Wrote to Rose L, Sarah, Miss Owen. Pm all went to Kensington Park. Children playing on lawn. Serpentine Lake. Round Pond with model yachts. Albert Memorial. Hyacinths, tulips and daffodils. Peter Pan monument. Tea with hot cross buns.
Clear. Cooks sent to Paris for tickets from Dr. A. Drove back through Regent St. Shops all closed. PM Walked to Russell ___and located house where _____. Pictures were shipped ok. No one answered the bell. Bought flowers. __ etc. Woman with Lac and child. Tea in room.
Clear. In all morning. Wrote to Ken, Clara P., Mille and Dr. Avey. Don and Will to Kensington gardens. Later to _____ grounds. Taxi ride with May over London Bridge and back over Black Friars.
Pleasant. All went to Madam Tussaud’s wax works. Houses of _____ Children’s room, Napoleon ___ , Chamber of horrors, etc. pm drove to Hampstead Heath to see holiday crowds. Hampstead bit higher than St. Paul’s. Saw _____ ____ from ___ Horse show, on way back. Booth for ____ ____, etc. ___Hampstead. Will went to Henley and _______.
Pleasant. Walked down Oxford St. Bought net purse for Inez, books and collar for ______. Lunch at Lipton tearoom. PM went with Don to puzzle store. Bought cards, hooks, etc. Taxi to Cooks. Drew $100. Letters from Sarah and Alice P. Went to toy store. Don bought boat. Got doll for Sallie and neckties for Toku. Dinner at Vienna.
Pleasant. Went with May and Don to Liberty’s. Bought ashtrays ad flower bowl. Ay and Don went back to hotel. Bought Carrackmacrosse lace handkerchiefs, collars and scarfs. After lunch went back to “Liberty’s and May bought pink kimono with embroidery.
Pleasant. Walked down New Oxford St. and bought bag for Aunt L and diamond and pearl pin. Lunch at an A.B.C. Will and Don went to a “Breir Rabbit” show. Sent card to Jessie. Had a shampoo and scalp treatment. Welch rarebit at tearoom.
Pleasant. Did a little packing. Bought hand bags for son and self and bathrobe for Will at Selfridges. Had lunch there, oysters. Came home with Don at 3:30. Had tea at the American Tea Rooms. Will and May went to the theater.
Went with Don to Selfridges. Had pedicure. Bought games for Don. Stopped at museum and showed Don the Rosetta stone, the Wycliffe bible and the Magna Charta. Afternoon saw Mid Summer Nights dream, good. Misses Currie called and stayed to dinner. Will and May went to vaudeville show.
Pleasant. Finished packing. Lunch at hotel. Ride with May to Hyde Park. Religious, suffragette and non-suffragette meetings. Walk through park. Beds of tulips, primroses, daisies, etc. Wrote cards to Ella Snow, Mrs. Jerois, Mrs. Boner and EH_.
Left London 10am. Green fields and rolling country. Wild flowers, sheep, hawthorn in bloom, were not trimmed. Fruit trees in bloom, gorse, Thames River, thatched houses. Oxford 11 am. Drove to colleges. Ivy covered stone buildings, ___ hall with portraits. Carvings in Chapel, gargoyles, and oldest house, octagon, 1510. Lunch at depot. Warwick 3:30pm. Auto to Stratford, Shakespeare house and relics, Ann H. house, _________, Tea at the Portia. Church closed. Tumble down stile.
Window-shopping with Don. Spinning wheels, chest with green back. Auto to Grey’s Cliff. Old mill and water wheel, fine view of Avon River. The walls and hedges along road. Thatched roofs, lath gables. Hawthorn trained against house. Kenilworth castle, Ivy, holly covers growing on the walk. Fine view from terrace. After _____ went through Warwick castle. Beautiful grounds, formal grand. Conservatory and vase. Birmington 4pm. Midland Hotel, room 167.
Pleasant. Took taxi to West Bromwich and called at the Underhill’s. _____________ memorial to Dr. Underhill by the citizens on his 90th birthday. _____ ____ took 11:10 train to Edinburgh. Long, hard ride and 2 hour wait at Carlyle. Short taxi ride. No old Roman wall. Tea at Carlyles, Edinburgh 8:50pm. North British Hotel, Room 207. Hot in middle of day, cold at night.
Showers and mist! Police and Scotch band. Walked down Prince’s Street. Bought 2 spoons and Scotch songs for the Patreon’s. After lunch all went to the castle. Windy. Solarius carrying on coat. St Margaret’s Chapel. Scotch ________ ______ and regalia. Queen Mary’s room and ____________. Walked back. Lady Stair house (small boys). Robert Bruce’ house (on a stood) ditto John Knox. Went shopping with Don.
Alternate mist and sunshine. Went out with Don for knitting needles and yarn. Bought thistle pin, chickadee -at the hotel. Went out to Mrs. Underhills (coaty crescent) and ____. Saw pictures of Underhill ancestors. A great-great-grand mother and grandfather Underhill married Mary Evans.
Pleasant. Sent letters to LHB and package of post cards. 10am all off in auto for Scott country. Fine ___. Rolling country (moors). Abbottsford about ______. Gardens, died and dog monument. Went through rooms, study, library, armed and souvenir rooms and great hall. Lunch at Abbey Hotel. Melrose. Melrose ruins and graveyard. Carvings, heart of Bruce, etc. Dryburgh Abbey and (Walter) Scott burial.
Pleasant. Went up to Carlton hill with Don. Nelson and Stuart monuments, observatory. Fine view. Taxi ride out to Forth trudge, 5 miles. Stone house and walls. Pretty country. Rubbernecks filled with sight=seers. Wrote to Kim, _____________.
{Back HOME}
Ken and Paredy working on cottage dining room. Rained a little through night. Sewed a little. Mrs. Clancy here in evening. Paid Clancy bill $18. Went down town with Luke and boys. Saw Nickolson about Volmer died.
Pleasant. Put things away and got trunk, etc. ready to bring home. Come to Wills pm. Em to SJ. Letter at Ben Lomond fro MHP telling of Clara B’s elopement.
Came to Oakland on 9:40 train from Arden. Drew $100. Had eyes examined and ordered new glasses. Lunch to Taft and Pen. Saw Huxley about buying Coulter place. Went to see Mrs. Conster. Had shampoo at Dicki’s. Came to SF and stayed at Beards.
Warm. Did some shopping and checked suitcase at Emporium. Bought dress and hat at Wallaces. Spent 20 min. with Gruggel. Met LHH there and had lunch at the Emporium. Went to O. and got mended tortoise parasol handle and silver for Clara B at Edwards. Came home on 6:30. May on train. Henry and Sarah here after dinner.
Very warm. Went over to see Sallie Fathed. After dinner went to Decoto and called on Annie and Clara. Went to bed 4pm and slept until morning.
Cooler. Went to Henry’s and packed things all day. Henry, Sarah, Mrs. Sinclair and baby went to O. in auto. Looking for nurse. Mrs. Allere and Mrs. Kirk made a brief call.
Went to Oakland on 9:40 train. Registered on way up town. Did some shopping. Paid $8500 on Coulter place and gave note for $4000. Huxley $500 for MCL business. Bought some furniture for new horse at Jacksons. Went out to Pattersons, Whipple club there, Missed train and stayed at May’s. Got glasses at Elgin’s.
Came home on morning train and spent the day packing belongings.
Warm. Got things together for moving. Motor van came 2pm. Left them loading. Will and May took me to Newark to 3pm train. Annie Meyer on train. Came at Santa Clara. Hot ride through the mountains. Ben Lomond 6:40 pm.
Cool. Breakfast at house. Lunch and dinner at _____________________.
{NOTE: CAN NOT READ to July 25}
Warmed. Walked up on Volmer place to see wood. Hall cutting it. Wrote to FHG, BCL and Mary. Got supper at our house.
Pleasant. Grace and Mrs. E spent day ______. Don fished all day, caught one trout and fell in the creek. Wrote to Eliz Dyer. Went up by Enigh place and down trail. Met ______and friend her in evening.
Warm. Mr. Coulter came to see about paper for rooms. Went to SF and selected it. Came back and had lunch on Wash. St., not very good. Went to Breuners and bought furniture for Loku’s room. Miss Emerson came and Mrs. Sinclair went away. Wrote to Lottie Holt.
Slone man papered living room and lower hall. Had lunch with Miss E. at the Dutch ___. Dress $50 and got bank statement. Fannie G here PM. Bag of corn cam from WDP’s. Wrote to May