January 1915
Friday, January 1, 1915
Cold and high fog. Had dinner party. ____, Sarah, MHP, Mr. P, Martha, Jean and Virginia, Nelle, RHG, Mrs. and myself. Jap. flower ______ Japan. Nelle went home.
Saturday, January 2, 1915
Clear and cold. Went down town. No carfare. Charitable lady paid my way. Drew $50, I got statement, the first from Central Bank. Sent Ito candy to Dons. Took spoons, etc. to Jackson’s to be marked, other things much ___. Bought hat, ____, bow-knot pin at Fukes. Wrote to Millie A, Mabel Middler, Jessie, Clara May.
Sunday, January 3, 1915
Rainy all day. Wrote all of my “Thanks” letters and some New Years cards.
Monday, January 4, 1915
Pleasant, but cool. Miss Johnston came to fix our dresses. Worked on Green P___ Suit. Mrs. E. Whipple called up inviting me to card club Friday.
Tuesday, January 5, 1915
Cloudy all day. Heavy showers in evening. Miss Johnson sewing. Went down town in bus. Bought broadcloth. Crape-de-chine, etc. for fixing dresses. Ticket for Fordes-Robertson in Hamlet and engaged seats for Ebel luncheon. Met Mrs. Brier on car coming back. Rob Ralph called about selling place. Bought ½ cord eucalypts wood.
Wednesday, January 6, 1915
Showery am. Miss Johnston came to sew. Helped some. Rankin came and finished work. Will and family here to dinner. Stopping at Key Route Inn and going to Reno in morning. Went to Inn 4pm and took Don down town and out here.
Thursday, January 7, 1915
Cloudy, but no rain. Miss Johnston here. Went to 16th St. Station and saw the WDP’s start for Reno. Did some shopping. Got spoons, necklace, etc. from Jackson. FHG here for farewell call.
Friday, January 8, 1915
Pleasant most of day. Miss Johnson sewing. LHR came 11am. Both went to Mrs. Whipple to cards and lunch. Mosher Huxley, Hudson, Haley and selves there. LHB 1st ____. Self 60. Bought ___of 5 dinning room chairs. N____, Mr. and Mrs. Jones here to dinner and to see about selling house.
Saturday, January 9, 1915
Fine day. Miss Johnston sewing. Dinning room chairs came pm. Went down town for sewing silk braid, etc. Saw Dr. Aitkin about Miss E nursing. He’s moving to front rooms.
Sunday, January 10, 1915
Pleasant day. Went to SF with Miss E and spent day at Fair Grounds. Crowds there. Met the Paterson’s and they came home with us and had tea.
Monday, January 11, 1915
Rained most of day. Miss Johnston sewing. Miss E. went downtown for trimmings. Sent parcels to Grace Huxley and EHI (Elma’s earring ____.
Tuesday, January 12, 1915
Rained late afternoon and evening. Miss Johnston sewing, paid her $10. Ebell luncheon. Look, Mrs. Huxley, Mrs. Horner, May Morgan Brown. Wore black broadcloth suit. Rose B here to dinner and evening.
Wednesday, January 13, 1915
Rainy all day. Miss Johnston finished sewing. Paid bill $32.30. Paid gardener $4.75 (work and plants). Came to Arden on 3.12 train. Stopped to see Sarah and Sallie. Stayed at Wills. Will home, family in Reno.
Thursday, January 14, 1915
Pleasant, one or two slight showers. Did a little mending, gloves and skirt. Lunch at Henry’s, May Brown and Mrs. Rice (Sarah’s friend) there. Baby standing alone. Read and slept pm.
Friday, January 15, 1915
Pleasant. Went over to see Sallie in her bath. Will went to SF. Went to ____ pm. And took 4:20 train for Oakland. Rode up in taxi. Loku went to Alvarado to bank.
Saturday, January 16, 1915
Cold north wind all night. Clear and cool day. Went down town and had feet doctored and got vanity bag and writing tablet case. Gave tag to FHG, going away gift. Saw Forbes Robertson in Hamlet. Rose B with me. Rose came to dinner and for evening. FHG started for Chicago.
Sunday January 17, 1915
Clear. Home all day. Cleared away dressmaking mess. Nelle here to dinner. Put up silver to take to safe deposit, and package for Ben Lomond. Sent 2 books and card to May. Sent Jessie’s letter to Clara. LHW here to tea.
Monday, January 18, 1915
Took 8:35 train for Arden. Henry at train. S. picked out records for Ben Lomond. H & S went to SJ in machine. Left me at Em’s. Took 3 pictures there. Elizabeth’s pm.
Tuesday, January 19, 1915
Looked over things in _____ and burned some. Packed box to send to Ben Lomond.
Wednesday, January 20, 1915
Cloudy. Went over to Dyers in morning. Pm went into town with Louise. Saw “Lassomy a__ion” Had tea at O’Briens. Bought bread, ham, etc., for Ben Lomond.
Thursday, January 21, 1915
Showery all night and through day. Louise drove me to Lundy and then to Luna Park Station. Bought Plants, trees, seeds at Navlets. {Bought} wash crepe waist at Hales. Bought candy. 10:20 Train at West SJ. Miss Emerson on train. Ben Lomond at noon. Mrs. D. home.
Friday, January 22, 1915
Clear and warm. Walked about the place. Planted seeds: marigold, forget-me-nots, bachelor buttons and mignonette. Ordered wire to protect roots of trees.
Saturday, January 23, 1915
Cloudy and high fog. Cold through night. Water pipes frozen. Sent letters to Sarah and cards to Don ( falls) and to Grace Hawley. Put Kodak pictures, etc. of 1912 Jap. trip in book. Mrs. Clancy’s, Mrs. Kohler.
Sunday, January 24, 1915
Rained all night and most of day. Miss E not well. Worked on 1912 Jap. pictures and papers and finished putting them in book. 1 o’clock dinner at Diet. Box of plants: artichoke, geraniums, sunflower seed cam from Emi. Mrs. D. and girls here in evening.
Monday, January 25, 1915
Showers all day. Wrote to GHG, Nelle and Sarah. Mrs. Dritz went away. Starting for Yreka. Thompson worked pm. Miss E better.
Tuesday, January 26, 1915
Showery all day. Thompson gardening. Sent telephone message to office to send Loku about ______ letters. Looked over and assorted old Kodak pictures. Family groups, etc. Take to ____letter.
Wednesday, January 27, 1915
Rained all day. Porch roof leaking. Thompson here, but did nothing. Looked over _____and pasted Kens baby pictures in book. Box of plants came from Arden.
Thursday, January 28, 1915
Rained all day. Thompson came and planted sweet brier. Had to stop on account of rain. Wrote to Mrs. Overacker, May, Bertha L, Sarah and Mrs. Wattson.
Friday January 29, 1915
Rained all day. Got house ready to ____. Lunch at Dietz. Perkins came me in spring wagon. Road muddy, creek high and muddy. _________. Plants from Navlet. Will Brier on train Home pm.
Saturday January 30, 1915
Rained all night, cleared off am. Home all day, waiting to hear ____would be renters. Gas man came to look at heaters and electrician to put in _____. Nelle here to dinner. Finished Don’s card books.
Sunday, January 31, 1915
Rained all day. Had taxi to the 8:35 train. Went to Arden and spent the day. Sallie walked half across nursery. Came back to Oakland on 4:20. _______________.
Monday, February 1, 1915
Rainy. Went down town and had shampoo (Lillian). Draw $50. Paid Sherman Clay bill, $46.75. Worked on European trip cards, pm.
Tuesday, February 2, 1915
Stormy night. Rain most of day. Went to M____ to sewing club: Lukes, Annie Elive, and LHB. Hemmed napkin for Annie. Put Europe cards in two books for self.
Wednesday, February 3, 1915
Clear all day. Rained in evening. Put cards in third book am. Went to Orpheum with Edna H and Miss E. Good cellist and athletes. Wrote to S___. Checks to Navlet and t. Williams. Returned.
Thursday, February 4, 1915
Pleasant. Finished up all the card books with letterheads, etc. Went with Miss E. to call on Mrs. Montross. Pleasant call. Tea at ____ at P____ Exchange. Bought little saoque for Loriese. Letter from ____.
Friday, February 5, 1915
Pleasant. After lunch went to see Mrs. Brier. Looking badly. Went downtown and bought facing for taupe coat and valentines. Tea at Taft and Pare. Policeman, Hitchcock, came to collect his $1.
Saturday, February 6, 1915
Pleasant. Met Nelle at bank. Sent little saoque to Louise. Took 10:20 train for SF. Got tickets for “Peg of my Heart” for next Wed. Looked in windows. Had Welch Rarebit at Golden Pheasant. Went to hear the Tales of Hoffman by Bavani Co., PM. LHB there. Hills here to dinner. Darkey excitement. Officer Hitchcock.
Sunday, February 7, 1915
Rainy. In all day. Henry and Sarah cam in machine, on way to Key Route Inn. Will cam and stayed all day and night. Nelle here to dinner.
Monday, February 8, 1915
Rainy and windy. In all day. Will went away am. Wrote to William A and Aunt Lydia. Sent $5 and to Fannie G. Miss E put new facing in taupe coat. Henry and Sarah here in evening.
Tuesday, February 9, 1915
Pleasant all day, rained in the evening. Went to Stel’s luncheon. Took MHP. Saw Dr. A about Will and got rheumatism tablets. Went to Key Route Inn to see Sarah, not in.
Wednesday, February 10, 1915
Pleasant, sunny am, rained pm. Miss E went to Richard Blacow’s funeral. Deposited $100 check and drew $100. Went to SF, lunch at Emporium. Met MHP and saw Peg o’ my Heart (Peggy O’Neal). Henry and Sarah here to dinner.
Thursday, February 11, 1915
Pleasant. Wrote to Mrs. Mills. Valentines to Dyers. Went to Orpheum with Miss E. Chinese Company juggler, aerobats and girl singer. Josephine C. here overnight.
Friday, February 12, 1915
Pleasant. Went to SF after lunch and out to Beard’s. With LHB called at Mavis’. No one home. Henry and Sarah here to dinner.
Saturday, February 13, 1915
Pleasant. Wrote to BCL. And sent some valentines. Went to Sherman and Clays and bought records $16.75. on bill and $2 cash. Will came and stayed overnight.
Sunday, February 14, 1915
Pleasant. Went over to Henry’s to talk house plans. Henry going to SF. Will came 9:30. Olga came on 3PM. Matt not home yet.
Monday, February 15, 1915
Cloudy all day, rained in evening. Will went to SF I mornings, came back and went to see Dr. Aikin. Had treatment. Came for machine and Tommy and started home about 5pm. Rose Brier here for dinner. Henry came for dinner. Wet to see Sarah’s and came back for the night. Wrote to Em and Lizzie. Got blue serge suit ready to send to Louise.
Tuesday, February 16, 1915
Showery all day. Wrote to MBP. Miss E fixed front of ____ silk dress. Sent parcel to Louise. Went to lecture at Ebell on Art of Exposition by ______. Loulee, Annie and Hattie there. Charlotte here to dinner. Henry here over night.
Wednesday, February 17, 1915
Pleasant. Wrote to Ella Snow and Mrs. Allen. Wrote to Will about trees for Ben Lomond. Telephoned Miss Morgan (architect). Went to Fabida to see Sarah. May Bo____ there. Henry here at night.
Thursday, February 18, 1915
Pleasant all day. Rained at night. Came to Ben l. with Miss E. on morning train. Henry’s machine balked. Hills green. Creeks high. Walked down trail to Woods and back by bridge. Girls here in evening.
Friday, February 19, 1915
Showery. Sund here and fixed tight doors and windows. Thompson planting trees, etc. Peach, apple, cherry trees came from Will. Letter from Josephine. Wrote to Will and Sarah.
Saturday, February 20, 1915
Showery. Thompson finished planting things. Wrote cards to Mrs. Kiety, Miss Currie, Millie Affray, and Mrs. Bird. Pan-American Pacific Exposition opened.
Sunday, February 21, 1915
Cloudy and showers. Wrote to Mrs. Allen Mrs. Overacker Miss Johnston, Mrs. Shinn and Jessie. Mrs. Woods called.
Monday, February 22, 1915
Showers. Cleaned up house to leave. Lunch at Dritz. Paid in checks, Dritz girls, Thompson and Dickenson. Left Ben L. 1:39. Train from Santa Cruz crowded and an hour late at Oakland. Henry here.
Tuesday, February 23, 1915
Cloudy, Rain pm. Went downtown and had hair washed, am. PM, went to hospital to see Sarah. Rain coming back. Will came down with Henry and went to SF after dinner. Wrote to Louise and May.
Wednesday, February 24, 1915
Showers. Sent note telling Navlet that cana’s had not come to Ben L. Toku off all day and night, celebrating dedication of Jap. buildings at Fair. Went out to ranch with May to see Sallie. Got violet plants for Ben Lomond.
Thursday, February 25, 1915
Pleasant. Miss Morgan came and talked over plans for house. After lunch went downtown and sent violets, iris and Shasta daisy plants to Ben L. Had corns doctored. Went to see Sarah. Will and Henry here. Will started for Reno. Henry overnight.
Friday, February 26, 1915
Pleasant. Wrote to Olga (about seeds and plants) Mrs. Bird and Josephine. Signed income tax declaration at Mr. Huxley’s office. Bought seeds and Leather plants for Ben L. Saw Henry Miller in Daddy-long-legs. Bought John Mier Orphans and sent one to Sarah. Henry here.
Saturday, February 27, 1915
Cloudy, rain pm. Sent Daddy-long-legs doll to Miriam. Poppy seeds to Olga and ___ cap to Jack. Started with Mils E, for car rides, went instead to see “The Shepherd of the Hills at Ye Liberty. Rather weepy. Henry came as usual.
Sunday, February 28, 1915
Pleasant. Henry and Sarah came in machine and took us for ride around Richmond and Berkeley. Looked at houses for sample. Fine views. Rose B. here to dinner. Went with Rose to see Miss Gregory’s house. Wrote to May P. and ELP. Henry here.
Monday, March 1, 1915
Clear, cold, north wind. Went down town Oakland. Ordered black and white check suit at Parsowithe. Paid for seeds and Leather at San_____. Had Osteopathic treatment at Fabiola for lame knee. Saw Sarah a few minutes in PM. Went with Miss E to Gills and ordered iris for Ben L. Dritz $50. Sent Jacks nightgowns to Louise. Rode to end of Grand ___ lines.
Tuesday, March 2, 1915
Pleasant. Sent letter to Louise, BCL. After lunch went down town. Got statement at Bank. Had glasses adjusted. Saw Dr. A. about rheumatism and got medicine. Had tea at Taft and Pennofeve. Bought books at Smiths, “The Point of Time” by Elinor Glirs and Dawn and Pythia. Henry here.
Wednesday, March 3, 1915
Pleasant all day. Had Black, white check suit fitted. Went to Fabiola and had osteopathic treatment. Saw Sarah a few minutes. Wrote Lottie H. and ELB. Mrs. Fraser came to look at house to rent. Henry here.
Thursday, March 4, 1915
Shower through night. Went out to Cosby’s to see their new house. Miss E walked part way. Miss E went to Alameda. May HP here PM. Henry brought violets. Sent Hue silk kimono to Sarah for Sallie.
Friday, March 5, 1915
Pleasant. Went to Fabiola (rode with Henry) and had treatment. Saw Sarah a few minutes. PM had coat fitted at Parsowith. Saw “Three Weeks” at the McDonorig Theater. Went to see Sarah to show green suit. Louise came for visit. Nelle here.
Saturday, March 6, 1915
Peasant. Marjorie Patterson born, 4 am. Louise went to see MHP. Henry brought, Mrs. M. and Sallie to see Sarah. Louise met Ivan at Fair. Came back late. Miss Breck and Mr. Lamant here to look at house.
Sunday, March 7, 1915
Peasant. Henry took us for ride to Claremont and Berkeley. Stopped to see Sarah ___ and sick with teething. Saw Sarah and new baby for a few minutes! After dinner Louise and Ivan went to the fair. Henry went home. Wrote to Ken and Mrs. Curtner. All the Breck family here looking at house. Ivan went home.
Monday, March 8, 1915
Pleasant. Went to the Fair with Louise. Rode around grounds in chairs. Met LHB and LV at YMCA and had lunch at the cafeteria. Went to Hawaiian building. Then little white RR to the Zone. Went into Mexican building and saw work and herd music. Louise went home. Henry here in afternoon, brought orange. Took Mrs. M and Sallie home. May M. went with them.
Tuesday, March 9, 1915
Drizzly all day. Had osteopathic treatment. Took orchids to Sarah. Miss E went to SF to the exposition. Will called up from SF. Just back from Reno. Wrote to May, Olga and Mary Moores. Henry here at night.
Wednesday, March 10, 1915
Pleasant. Went downtown and saw Huxley about making out lease to Mr. Lamont. Ordered correspondence cards. PM, met MHP at Parsowith’s and tried on suit. Disappointed in it. Streetcar ride to N. Berkeley and back. Will here to dinner. Henry here as usual.
Thursday, March 11, 1915
Cloudy. Miss Johnston came to make challis housedress. Went down town for materials. Rheumatism bad all day. Wrote to Mrs. Crea and Ruth Shinn Kasch. Dangling earing necklace to Helen and Pompaian spoon and pin to Ruth. Suit came from Parsowith’s. Skirt to short. Henry here at night.
Friday, March 12, 1915
Rained in night. Cloudy all day. Took check skirt to be lengthened. Bought silk for collar for Challis housedress. Had treatment at Fabiola and went in to see Sarah. Baby’s eyes ___. Miss Johnson finished sewing. Sent check $7.80. Met Josephine Curter downtown and went in to Lenhardts. Sent $25 to _____ for church.
Saturday, March 13, 1915
Cloudy all day Nelle here to lunch. Went downtown with her and ordered hat at Miss Richards. Got tablets from Dr. Aikin. Went to the Frandy’s and saw “ A Fool There Was” and other movie. Had oyster cocktail at The Venus. Henry here at ;night. Wrote to Mrs. Bird, Em, and BCL (about _______).
Sunday, March 14, 1915
Pleasant. Henry went home and came back 1pm. Will came to see Dr. Aikin and both boys here for dinner. Miss Breck and Mr. Lamont. Here measuring rooms for rugs. Went with Will to look at house on Kingston Street for rent. Boys started home 6pm. Wrote Mills, Miller, LHB and May.
Monday, March 15, 1915
Pleasant. Had hair washed am. PM, went out to see Sarah. Met Annie M and went with her to meet Miss E. All went to Pantape’s. Saw “Peace”, Russian dancers, etc. 4:20 pm went in to McDonough and saw submarine moving pictures. Bought black straw hat with mixed flowers wreath from Miss Richards. Henry here at night.
Tuesday, March 16, 1915
Warm. Miss Vreck, Mrs. Olney and Mr. Lewis (decorator) here planning draperies. Went to Fabiola to see Sarah. Went to Ebell, with Miss E. Harpist and classic dancer from N.Y. Miss Morgan here with house plans. Henry here.
Wednesday, March 17, 1915
Sultry. Miss E. went to Centerville in auto with Mrs. Horner. Had treatment at Fabiola and went in to see Sarah. Baby better. Laura Phillips came and spent afternoon. Henry came in evenings.
Thursday, March 18, 1915
Took hats to Miss Richards to fix. Signed lease of house to Mr. Lamont (474 Lake Park) and saw Dr. Aikin about rheumatism, etc. PM, took package of tablets for Em to P.O. Got hat at Miss R’s and had tea at the Venus. Looked over house plans with Henry in evening.
Friday, March 19, 1915
Peasant. Got rooms ready for Sarah, baby and Nurse. Miss E went to visit I Alameda. Voted against PPIE Bonds. Folks came 4 pm. Henry at dentist. Came 6:30. Miss Morgan here about house plans.
Saturday, March 20, 1915
Warm. Had treatment at Fabiola. Henry took banana tree home from Patterson. Went with MHP to see Rose Stahl in “A Perfect Lady”. Both Doctors came to see baby.
Sunday, March 21, 1915
Very warm. Henry took Sarah for ride. LHB came pm. Henry took us for a ride. He went home in evening.
Monday, March 22, 1915
Warm. Went to Chiropodist. AM, bought sheets, ___stockings, etc. at Capwells. Slept some. PM Henry took Sarah to dressmakers. Wrote to May P.
Tuesday, March 23, 1915
Cooler. Had treatment at Fabiola. Bought white crepe de chine waist at Capwell’s. Nurse girls came to be interviewed by Sarah.
Wednesday, March 24, 1915
Cool. HHP family left about 10:30 am. Miss E back about 11. Changed beds and got ready for Em I. Miss E met here at train. Mrs. Haley, Mrs. Osher and Mrs. Montros called.
Thursday, March 25, 1915
Cloudy. Went to see about hat at Miss Richard’s. Em went to see Mrs. Brier. Got an automobile and took Em and Mrs. B to Piedmont, Berkeley, ___ PM. Annie, Ellie, Edna, and MHF here. Had chocolates and sandwiches. Will came for a few minutes. Went to movie in evening and saw Elina James in ________of ________.
Friday, March 26, 1915
Cloudy and slight showers. Had osteopathic treatment am. Too wet to go to SF as planned. Did some mending and visited with Em.
Saturday, March 27, 1915
Showery. Went to Exposition with EHI. Saw Panama Canal. Lunch at Horticultural building at Hawaiian concession. Sandwich, Kona coffee and pineapple. Met LHB at Cal building. Visited Cal., Liberal Arts, and other buildings. Stayed at Inside Inn, rooms 2037 and 2038. Dinner at café (NG) Chair ride in rain.
Sunday, March 28, 1915
Clear but windy. Spent morning at Fine Arts building. Lunch at Jap. tea garden. Met LHB there. Visited Canadian Philippine, Norway, Sweden, and Australian (?) buildings. Came in chair to end of Zone on way home. EHD stayed with LHB.
Monday, March 29, 1915
Showery. Had last treatment at Fabiola. Tired and slept most of afternoon. Sent not to Mrs. Dietz. Miss E. did errands downtown for me.
Tuesday, March 30, 1915
Rainy all day. Em, LHB, MHP. Mrs. Dyer and Mrs. Owen here to lunch. Em came with L and stayed here.
Wednesday, March 31, 1915
Pleasant. Wrote to Ken, Olga and Mrs. Dietz. Card to Aunt L. After lunch saw Huxley about Co. assessment. Went with Em to see “Seven Keys to Bald Pate”. Saw her off on 5:12 train for Wayne. Bought Easter chicks and candy for children.
Thursday, April 1, 1915
Warm. Met 8:30 train at 1st and Broadway and saw Will, May and children coming home from Reno. Rode to Fruitvale with them. Came back on streetcar. Bought hat and flowers and sent them to Em. Wrote Em, Mrs. Bird and BBL. Went downtown with Miss E, looked at hats for her and bought Victrola records.
Friday, April 2, 1915
Cloudy and fog. Miss E went downtown, drew $50 ($30 for me). Mrs. And Miss Breck came and looked over house, cook’s room and garage again. Miss E went down town again, pm, to mail Easter packages, etc. Mrs. Morgan and May Brown here in evening to talk over family ____.
Saturday, April 3, 1915
{can’t read page}
Sunday, April 4, 1915
{can’t read page}
Monday, April 5, 1915
North wind. Home all day. Knee lame. Wrote to Dr. Amy and Miss Curries. Copied cooking receipts on cards. Thompson here working in garden.
Tuesday, April 6, 1915
Cloudy. Got rugs down in living rooms. Thompsons working all day (?) Ken and Silvy began work on kitchen at the cottage. Finished reading “Rung Ho” by Anefort(?).
Wednesday, April 7, 1915
Rainy am, clear pm. Plants for holding bank came from Gill’s. Planted them and some Cal. Poppies. Ken and Silvy quit work on kitchen (n.g.).
Thursday, April 8, 1915
Pleasant. Got house ready to leave and planned work for Ken. Gave nasturtium seed to Thompson to plant and paid him $25. Left Ben L 1:39. Hot through mountains. Track blocked train, came in on 7th St.
Friday, April 9, 1915
Pleasant. Assessor left city tax blank. Took it to Mr. Huxley. Got bank statement and checkbook. Bought book on India for Henry’s birthday. Went to McDonough and saw “Every Woman”.
Saturday, April 10, 1915
Pleasant. Went downtown and had shampoo. Down town after lunch. Met May and Don at Dr. Aikin’s. Saw Dr. about lame knee. Took ___ to Lenhardts, etc. Went out to ranch with his folks in auto.
Sunday, April 11, 1915
Warm. Went over to see Henry about house. Looked at the garden and at Will’s. Came back on 4:30. Met Stella Jackey, Edna and Ruby, and Mrs. Merril here to tea.
Monday, April 12, 1915
Pleasant, part of day. Shower early am. Wrote to Sarah EHI, ELL (Ans. To Easter card). Annie came pm. Went to D&A. S. had knee taped. Tea with Annie’s at Pig ’n Whistle and bought goods for waist to check suit. Rose B. here to dinner and the evening.
Tuesday, April 13, 1915
North wind. Downtown with Miss E. Drew $50. Sent house plans and not to Henry. Bought hooded crepe de chine for skirt. Home all afternoon. Put lace in neck and sleeves of challis lace dress. Wrote to LHB and Sarah.
Wednesday, April 14, 1915
Warm and cold toward night. Went to Oakland on 9:40. Left films at ________. Went to Berkeley and saw University people about Jap. chair and table, SF to Exposition grounds to see that furniture was covered. Left children’s pictures at Gump’s to be framed. Lichtenstein not in, left check for $85.00, balance on _____.
Thursday, April 15, 1915
Pleasant. Went to the Paterson’s with Mrs. Dietz. Wrote to Mrs. Allen, Mabel Miller, and Mrs. Yarnell. Miss E. took Mrs. D for a car ride to Peidmont. Boys and Williams here in evening.
Friday, April 16, 1915
Pleasant. Mrs. D. and Miss E. went to Berkeley. Mrs. Allen came for lunch. Mrs. A went to see Mr. Morce. Miss E and Mrs. D. to moving pictures. Saw Dr. Aikin and had more tape on knee. In evening all went to Pantages.
Saturday, April 17, 1915
Pleasant. Mrs. Dietz went over to Bloy’s. Went with Mrs. Allen to Exposition on boat to Expo grounds. Visited state buildings, Liberal Arts, Fine Arts, Hawaiian, etc. Lunch at Ridgway tea booth. Dinner at Mullers. Illuminations and fireworks.
Sunday, April 18, 1915
Pleasant. Home all day. Miss E and Mrs. Allen went to St. Paul’s church. Miss E took books, etc. to Mrs. Brier. John Beard married to Clarice Pierson in Oakland.
Monday, April 19, 1915
Pleasant but overcast. Mrs. Allen went away. Went with Miss E to SF. Left stencil at Gump’s for tray for Miss Breck. Bought black silk suit at the White House. Lunch at Pig ’n Whistle. Bought black and white check silk waist, n.g. Went to Annies and ______________________.
Tuesday, April 20, 1915
Cold and overcast. Went out to ranch with Miss Morgan and brothers to locate building spot. Sarah gone to Hayward. Went downtown with Miss E. Saw Dr. about knee. Wrote note to Henry to BCL and sent Sherman Clay a check.
Wednesday, April 21, 1915
Cloudy ad shower am. Windy pm. Went to SF with Miss E. am. Had fitting at White House, saw stencil ____for Helen Breck, at Gump’s, etc. Went to fair and walked up the zone. Saw Stella! Jap. village and S.P. Building. Lunch at Horticultural bldg. with LHB and John and bride. Did Australia, N.Y. and others. Nelle here for dinner.
Thursday, April 22, 1915
Cloudy. Wet out to Annies and had fitting, to Lesoine, (Chiropodist) and to Dr. Aikin to have knee taped. Home all afternoon on mending, writing, etc.
Friday, April 23, 1915
Cloudy part of the day. Went out to ranch to decide on location of house. Went with Henry and Sallie to see Sarah, at sanatorium in Hayward. May and Will there. Went to hotel in Alvarado 6PM.
Saturday, April 24, 1915
Cold and cloudy. Sent_________.
{can’t read pages until June 24}
Thursday, June 24, 1915
Pleasant. Had breakfast in room. Bought ticket for Seattle. Shopped with Mrs. Ills. Bought basket, spoon, moccasins, book, pins, shoe buttoner, pennants, etc. Fine roses in hotel grounds and in front of Parliament building. Wrote cards to Lottie H and Mrs. Bunting. Sketchbook to MHP. Left Victoria_____, Princess Adelaide. Smooth sea. Talked wit Ill. Man. Met Miss Moors and Miller, English girls teaching at Yale BC. Rainbow, Fine sunset. Seattle 9:15. No trouble about customs. New Washington Hotel, room 1003.
Friday, June 25, 1915
Cool and Cloudy, slight shower. Auto ride to Lake Washington. Misses Miller and Moors with us. Fine drive and parks. Flowers and roses. Had lunch at tea room (n.g.). Bought dolls for S and B. and game for Don. Very tired. Sent games, etc. to Don and dolls to babies. Went with Mills up on roof garden. Decorations for Chinese commissioner.
Saturday, June 26, 1915
Cloudy, so we could not see mountains. Left Seattle 8am. Chairs in observation car. Breakfast and lunch in diner. Sent menu card letter to James. Pleasant trip. Portland 2:30pm. Multnomah Hotel, room 338. Grace and Mr. Ericson called in evening.
Sunday, June 27, 1915
Pleasant. Breakfast in room. Went to church and herd Dr. Mills speak on Foreign Missions. Wrote to Mable Miller, Jessie, Miss Owen, MHP and Nelle. Went out to the Campbell and had dinner with Grace and Jack. Car ride up mountain and beyond city limits. Mt Hood and Mt. St. Helen.
Monday, June 28, 1915
Warm. Chinese Commission arrived 8:30am. Chinese Band and automobile. After breakfast went out to Ladd School and saw Chinese children perform for Commissioners. Went shopping with Grace and Mrs. M. Lunch at Cat ‘n Fiddle. Ride out to fair grounds. Forestry bldg. all that is left. After dinner car ride to Portland Heights. Mountains and sunset.
Tuesday, June 29, 1915
Very Warm. Went out with Grace and did a little shopping. Lunched with her and Mr. E at the Benson. Went to two movies: “S.A.Revolution” (Fighting Bob), and “The Plunderers”. Packed trunk. Wrote to Millie A and Mrs. Brier.
Wednesday, June 30, 1915
Hot. Grace came. Gave her magazines, talcum, etc. Left Portland 12:30. Car Prospero, seat 8. 17 women, 5 children and 1 man in car. Children awake until 11pm. Broke glasses.
Thursday, July 1, 1915
Warm all day. Up 7am. Dresses in berth. Shasta Springs 8:50. Got eyeglasses out of trunk.
Friday, July 2, 1915
Cottage 10(?) room 46. Read (31 years on Plains and mountains) and slept most of day. Illumination of falls at night.
Saturday, July 3, 1915
Hot. Up at 6:45am. Packed grip. 8:50 train. Car Acacia, Half of section 11. Company of __________________Oakland 3:15
{can’t read pages till Jan 26, 1915}
Monday, July 26, 1915
Cool. Miss Morgan and Henry here and we decided on house plans. H. here to lunch. Went to Orpheum with Mrs. V. “Kitty Gordon” of beautiful back. Dinner at Pig n’ Whistle.
Tuesday, July 27, 1915
Cool. May and Don came to go for Don’s _________. Mr. Bird expected and all going home PM. Met Miss McVenn at LHB’s at Sisters Club. Ralph M. on warpath. Dinner at Golden Pheasant. Miss E ___.
{can’t read pages until Aug 3}
Tuesday, August 3, 1915
Warm. Carrie Stevenson from Meredian, called. May P called up. In town looking for house. Waited all morning for Miss Morgan. Didn’t come. Went down town and had shampoo and a shoeshine. Went out to ranch with Will and May. Lonesome without Don. Jack’s kiddie cap.
Wednesday, August 4, 1915
Warm. Henry came at 8:30 and took me to Berryessa to Em’s. Louise’s baby 3 months old. To Oakland on 4pm train. Dinner at Venice. Letters to Mrs. Dietz and Em. Nelle here with San Diego pictures.
{can’t read pages till Jan 1, 1916}